Damnitall Stupid Nonposting

Here we go again. Another month and no posting. I really wonder how different my life would be if I had never started playing video games. If I had studied about 10% as much as I played games in High School, I’d probably been Valedictorian. If I had worked half has much as I played games, I’d be high up in some corporate business. Okay, that sounds awful.

If I had written a quarter as much as I have played MMOs, I’d be on my tenth book, at least. Yet here I am on my second blog post in four months.

Haven’t even been reading all that much and barely writing at all. I did start a new story yesterday that might turn out interesting. Not sure if it’s going to be a short story or novel yet. Will have to see how much story I can wring out of the premise.

It’s about a man who wakes up in a strange bed in a strange house and has no idea how he got there. I’ll get back to it and see what I can make of it.

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