November 29th, 2020

I sit here thinking of what I would like to write about. In the past that would lead me to not writing at all, but then I discovered that listening to a lot of music gave me something to write about and then a month of movies gave me even more. Occasionally I finish a book and there’s another thing. But today, I don’t have any new music, new movies, or new books. No new Games, or stories, or adventures. Nothing but my thoughts at the end of the year. Still a month out, but the beginning of the end is still the end.

I worked today and did a short training course that work required. It was a slow day and I spent most of it read and thinking. This can’t continue, of course. I must find something new to keep me going. I read some from Utopia Avenue. Should have that finished with in the week and I’m listening to the new album I just got Mongrel’s Cross, which I already wrote about. I played some Skyrim and spent most of the time wondering what I should really be doing.

It’s rather self-indulgent, but it’s probably good to take a day once in a while and just think about where I am in the world and in my life. The truth, is that I’m not any further along today than I was a year ago. Yes the job is paying the bills and that is good and the prospects for a house loom closer, but these are shallow achievements. It’s almost time for bed. I will read a bit and then off to sleep. Hopefully I full nights rest so I can get through tomorrow. At that point the week will be half over.

And that’s the problem. I don’t want the week to be half over. I don’t want to dread so much of my life that I just want it over. I want to look forward to the new day, not dread it. But tomorrow is a new day and maybe tomorrow is the day I start working towards that time I can look forward to the next day.

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